May Flowers by Sianna Jacobus

April showers indeed spring May flowers,
As Thomas Tusser (the poet and farmer) must have wrote in the wee hours -
Way, way, way back in the day:
In 1557, he wrote a saying that would last for centuries.
He wrote rhyming instructions about living and farming for each and all twelve months of the year.
To this day, it's reconveyed during every wet Spring that leads the way to longer, brighter days.
To stronger sun that allows more hours to stay out and play.
Roses will always bloom in May after grey skies open up and give life.
Hoses and rain water them during daylight that grows longer then:
Roots that were planted years ago sprout life forth over and over and
Perfume fills the air with the sweetest aromas while Spring-time progresses.
We grow wiser and older and we live and we're learning.
All while the seasons stay turning.

This GIF was animated by an incredible artist named Will Kim, this is his website:

I delved into the history of the saying “April showers bring May flowers” and it turns out it’s from a poem by Thomas Tusser written in Middle English in the 1500s called Fiue Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie.

It's a poem that reads like a rhyming farmer's almanac written in Middle English and can be read here:


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